Generative AI for Content Personalisation in Ecommerce
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Generative AI for Content Personalisation in Ecommerce

An interview with Josh Scotton, Co founder and CTO at Personify XP and Editorial Board Member for Frontiers in AI, on content personalisation in ecommerce.

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  • What Personify is doing with its R&D on generative AI and how generative AI differs to the standard model
  • How to start the journey towards personalisation in ecommerce
  • How PersonifyXP delivers auto segmentation and propensity scoring to support personalisation
  • How Personify integrates with ecommerce platforms

Josh Scotton is the Co founder and CTO for personalisation engine Personify XP, with a strong background in creating AI models. For those of you who’ve worked in fashion ecommerce you may also know him from his days at Truefit.

True personalisation, not just changing product recommendations based on behaviour, is the holy grail for ecommerce. For example, being able to change the content view based on a user’s profile to prioritise content types that person wants to see. Personify provides an anonymous real-time analytics & personalisation platform designed to convert unknown visitors into loyal customers with engaging, automated website personalisation.

In this podcast we unpick what real-time personalisation actually means, and explore tangible ecommerce use cases including content personalisation across different user journeys.

Discussion notes

  1. Let’s start by explaining where you’re going with your R&D on generative AI and how generative AI differs to the standard model, with a few examples
  2. People struggle with the enormity of true 1-1 content personalisation – what is a sensible starting point?
  3. Can you talk us through which parts of the user journey you focus on and why, as there is so much content in an ecommerce site?
  4. What resources does an ecommerce team need to be able to make effective use of your content personalisation engine?
  5. Auto segmentation is a key feature, how is the platform generating meaningful segments rather than thousands of obscure ones you can’t extract value from?
  6. And how does the propensity to buy scoring work, how does the AI build a meaningful picture other than just tracking PDP and cart events?
  7. Is the propensity scoring purely algorithmically driven or can it be tailored for each storefront?
  8. How does integration work with ecommerce CMS systems, where most businesses will be doing content editing & publishing – how does this workflow function for serving appropriate assets based on the user profile?
  9. How are you customers measuring the positive and negative impact of this? Do you tend to report in-platform or do people use their own analytics solutions etc?
  10. What verticals do you see this working best for and why? What’s a good example of a client using it well?
  11. Where do you see the future for AI’s role in content personalisation: what will be the role of the tech vs. the role of human resources?

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