In this episode we sit down with Cabiri CEO and Founder Rex Bigger to get an expert’s practical view on the implications of a composable project and how Cabiri is simplifying the migration towards this architectural approach.
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- Challenges and risk going composable
- How Cabiri simplifies project delivery
- Implications for resourcing and team structures
Cabiri specialises in helping businesses through technology change and they have a lot of experience building composable solutions, which seems to be everyone’s current architectural obsession. The project that caught our eye was the relaunch of on a composable stack in an 8-week project, so we decided to find out how this was possible.
The term composable is used a lot in the industry but there’s still a lack of knowledge in many organisations regarding the operational, technical and financial implications of this approach, and it’s not right for everyone. Indeed, amongst the success stories are a few car crashes where money has been burned and projects ditched.
Discussion notes
- Let’s talk about some of the issues businesses have experienced with composable – why do you think some projects over run massively?
- What is your approach to project structure and management to simplify delivery & how do you get time efficiency?
- How do you approach the technology stack evaluation for a monolithic high street business, which often has a complex systems architecture with hard coding, points of failure, where did you start?
- And what’s your advice on handling a project like this culturally with internal developers who may be resistant to change, or frustrated that what they’ve previously built will be lost?
- You’ve built an Accelerator, mainly on Commercetools: can you talk us through why it was needed & what it does?
- How has this accelerator delivered practical benefits to Client projects?
- You’re naturally proud of the 8-week project delivery. People are often sceptical about claims like this, so what was your approach in terms of MVP launch and phasing to make this manageable?
- What does the back end admin tooling & dashboard look like – this is an area people typically struggle to grasp what they get vs. what they build
- How do content teams handle things like preview of new launches and campaigns?
- What size business do you need to be in order to make a composable tech stack work in terms of resources?
- How do you budget for this: where does this money go, what split between internal dev, external partners, project management, licencing, what surprises people?
- What advice do you have for ecom businesses considering composable: what do they need to think about, what are the potential risks?
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