Predicting User Intent Is The Key To Ecommerce Personalisation
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Predicting User Intent Is The Key To Ecommerce Personalisation

In this episode, we interview David Mannheim, Founder of Made With Intent, published author and experienced ecommerce CRO specialist.

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Ecommerce personalisation tech has progressed rapidly, with a wide range of vendors to choose from. However, personalisation is often reliant upon pushing product recommendations based on prior and current browsing, and purchase behaviour.


Not everyone visiting your website has purchase intent, and those that do will be in different stages of their decision cycle. Continuing to treat everyone as a high intent buyer isn’t an optimal customer experience and is likely to be losing you potential customers.

In this podcast we talk about predicting user intent to improve on-site segmentation and conversion. Our guest, David Mannheim, is the founder of Made With Intent, a tool focused on understanding user intent. The conversation covers topics such as the problems with generic pop-ups and blanket discounting, the importance of segmenting customers based on intent, and the integration options for the tool. David’s vision for the future is to embed predictive intent in ecommerce and change the perspective of the industry.

Key take aways;

  • Understanding user intent is crucial for effective on-site segmentation and conversion.
  • Generic pop-ups and blanket discounting are not always the best approach and can be annoying for users.
  • Segmenting customers based on their intent allows for more personalised and targeted communication.
  • Made With Intent integrates with various platforms to provide data insights and improve customer experiences.
  • The future vision is to change how businesses optimise their websites.

Tune in to for advice from a highly respected CRO leader.

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Discussion guide

  • 00:00 Introduction and Background
  • 08:13 The Issues with Generic Pop-Ups and Blanket Discounting
  • 13:11 Segmenting Customers Based on Intent
  • 24:25 Integration Options for Made With Intent
  • 28:37 The Vision for the Future

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