Why, When & How to Improve Operational Efficiency Through Systems Automation
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Why, When & How to Improve Operational Efficiency Through Systems Automation

In this podcast we talk to Green Feathers’ Ecommerce Director James Ewens to ultimately answer the WHY, WHEN, WHAT & HOW of evolving from manual and spreadsheet based approaches to running an ecommerce business, to increased automation using modern technology.

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We discuss the importance of evolving from manual processes to automated retail in ecommerce. The episode explores the reasons why businesses should consider automating key back-office operations, such as order management, warehouse management, and accounting. It also highlights the signs that indicate a business is struggling with its current processes and the benefits of implementing specialist solutions. The conversation emphasises the human impact of technology and the need to involve employees in the decision-making process. We also discuss the pros and cons of phased vs. big bang approaches to implementing new technology, and offer advice on building a business case for digital transformation.

Key take aways;

  • Automating key back-office operations in ecommerce, such as order management, warehouse management, and accounting, is crucial for scaling and providing a better customer experience.
  • Businesses should consider specialist solutions, such as ERPs, WMSs, and RMSs, when multiple departments are struggling with manual processes.
  • The decision to implement new technology should be based on the specific pain points and challenges faced by the business.
  • Involving employees in the decision-making process and getting their buy-in is essential for successful implementation and adoption of new technology.
  • The choice between a phased or big bang approach to implementation depends on the business’s goals, resources, and the level of risk they are willing to take.
  • When building a business case for digital transformation, it is important to tell the story of how the new technology will solve specific problems and improve the customer experience.

Tune in to for advice on improving ecommerce automation, helping you scale your business processed and provide the right tooling for your teams.

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Discussion guide

  • 00:00 Introduction and Setting the Scene
  • 02:39 The Digital Transformation Journey of Green Feathers
  • 06:03 The Commercial Imperative of Automating Business Processes
  • 08:05 The Risk and Impact of Delaying Change Projects
  • 09:06 The Human Impact of Bad Processes and Approaching Change
  • 12:24 When Should Businesses Consider Specialist Solutions?
  • 13:03 The Changing Landscape of Specialist Solutions
  • 18:22 Signs that a Business is Struggling with Current Processes
  • 20:49 Choosing Between Phased and Big Bang Approaches to Implementation
  • 22:53 The Importance of Business Process Mapping
  • 23:21 Engaging Stakeholders and Gaining Buy-In for Change
  • 26:21 Building a Business Case for Digital Transformation
  • 28:53 Techniques for Bringing People on the Transformation Journey
  • 33:07 Future Roadmap for Digital Transformation at Green Feathers
  • 35:01 Conclusion and Closing Remarks

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