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James Gurd is the Owner of Digital Juggler, an experienced ecommerce consultant specialising in ecommerce replatforming and digital strategy.

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What’s the best ecommerce platform?

Summary With Paul having a well-earned holiday in France to celebrate his birthday, James has been let loose on his own! This podcast attempts to tackle the challenging question, “what’s the best ecommerce platform for my business”...

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Understanding common issues & risks

Summary This episode is focused on the common issues & risks that teams face when going into a replatforming project, how they can be managed sensibly and avoided wherever possible. Key discussion points: Why replatforming projects have risk...

Welcome to Re:platform

Summary Drum roll….this was our first ever Inside Commerce podcast! Find out what the podcast is about, why we decided to launch it and what you can get from the podcast series. If you have any questions, hit us up on LinkedIn. We hope you...

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